John MacDonald
Past Chair & Trustee
John has been instrumental in the creation of the Trust. A well-known long-time Queenstown local and business entrepreneur, John has been a strong community advocate for various causes over the years. And as a three-time cancer survivor who lives with Parkinsons disease and member of the LBGTI+ community , he also knows from personal experience, the importance of effective equitable health services and ensuring vulnerable voices are heard.
Recent health issues recently forced John to step down from the chair role and a number of key community positions, however he still remains a key part of the Trust and the project.
John was the Independent Liaison, Southern Mental Health and Addiction Stakeholders and chair of the Queenstown Lakes, Mental Health and Addiction Network, he was the, Independent Chair of the Southern DHB Mental Health and Addiction, Network
Leadership Group (NLG) from 2015 until September 2021. The NLG oversaw the whole mental health system in the Southern district and included health professionals, NGO’s, community networkers and lived experience representatives. The NLG was instrumental in the formation of Te Hau Toka, Southern Lakes Wellbeing Group in 2020 and the Time For Change, Te Hurihange review of Southern Mental Health and Addiction services June 2021.
John previously chaired the Central Lakes Health Network and the South Island Cancer Consumer Group.
In 2021 after 5 years John retired as a Queenstown Lakes District Councillor for the Wakatipu Ward, where he had Chaired, Mayoral Housing Affordability Task Force and the Finance Audit and Risk Committee.
John brings strong business acumen, governance experience, extensive knowledge, pragmatic decision making skills, combined with lived experience of the health system. He is focused on improving people and community wellness and resilience and through a fully integrated approach, which ensures the healthcare system, local and central government provide effective and equitable services to our communities.