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Next Generation

Next Generation

Welcoming Hannah MacDonald to the Trust. With a batchelor in Commerce and a law degree currently...

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Architects Designs

Architects Designs

After two stakeholder engagement sessions in April and May 2023, the results and conceptual designs were revealed to those involved on 2nd Nov 2023.

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Lease Approved

Lease Approved

Whakatipu Trust Chair John MacDonald said the Trust was delighted to have secured the lease of this land after several years of searching.

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Support Needed

Support Needed

QLDC is asking for community feedback on a proposed lease of land at the north-eastern edge of the Queenstown Events Centre to the Whakatipu Community Hub Charitable Trust (WCHCT).

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Thumbs Up

Thumbs Up

The Trust presented its case to the Queenstown Lakes District Council last week and was delighted to receive a conditional thumbs up.

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New Trustee Heath Copland

New Trustee Heath Copland

After stepping down from a successful term as a QLDC Councillor, Heath Copland was appointed to the board of Trustees for the Whakatipu Community Hub Charitable Trust in mid Nov 2022.

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Expression of Interest

Expression of Interest

QLDC sought interest from community groups and community services about an opportunity on a site at the Event Centre.

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Feedback Time

Feedback Time

The Whakatipu Community Hub Charitable Trust (WCHCT) seeks public support for a project that has been nearly 4 years in the making.

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Project Admin Appointed

Project Admin Appointed

Ms Salmons started in the role a week ago after many years in tourism and non-profit managementand is looking forward to the challenge ahead.

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